下面的名单肯定不全。如果你非常想来美国读硕士,家里没钱,暂时又没能力进非常好的学校,我十分建议你把 NCA’s Doctoral Program Guide 里面提到的所有学校都非常认真地看一遍。也可以参考拙文《美国传播学博士项目一览 》。
I am an international student interested in your Master’s program in XXX. I am wondering whether this program offers Master’s students Teaching or Research Assistantships that provide a full tuition waiver and a stipend.
一般有博士点的学校都有硕士点。有些学校虽然看起来不起眼,比如 Sen Diego State University、North Dakota State University,但如果被录取,他们很可能会给你助教全奖。这是非常好的机会。
美国学校的奖学金简介 #
一提到奖学金,很多人想到的第一个词(也许也是唯一一个)是 Scholarship。但我们想要的全奖可不是它。一般而言,美国的研究生、博士项目提供的资助分为以下几种:
Partial tuition waiver。这个很常见,录取的时候跟你说你很优秀,让你只交一半儿的学费。仍然天价,土豪随意。
Fellowship。Fellowship 就比较复杂了。有的 Fellowship 和 Scholarship 一样,属于一次性的资助。但有的 Fellowship 是全奖 Fellowship,给你学费全免,每个月给你足够的生活补助。具体看你拿到的奖学金的介绍。
Assistantships。这种才是一般意义上的全奖。具体分为 Teaching assistanships 和 Research assistanships。Teaching assistantships 又可以分为 teaching assistant 和 instructor,前者是助教,后者是你要自己开一门课。具体的名称每个学校可能不一样,比如我在的印第安纳大学,TA 叫做 Graduate assistanships,换汤不换药而已。
Assistanships 会给你学费全免 (full tuition waiver),每个月给你生活费 (monthly stipend),大部分会给你买医疗保险 (health insurance)。工资数额每个学校不一样,但足够你的生活开销。一般每年 1 万到 2 万美元。一般是规定每周工作 20 小时,但实际上很可能不用这么多,我在印第安纳媒体学院的前三个学期,每周最多也就 7-8 个小时,这个要看学校,每个学校情况不一样。
大部分学校是让你做助教,非常少的学校有助研 (RA) 的机会。
对于家里多金的朋友,如果以下项目申请不上,可以用钱砸这些硕士项目:南加大,宾大,密歇根州立,西北大学,纽约布法罗等等,这些都是很好的项目,但是不给钱。有些学校会给一些小奖,比如维克森林大学 (Wake Forest University)。
我比较确定给硕士生全奖的项目 #
就我所知,截至目前(2021 年 5 月)还给国际生提供全额奖学金的新闻传播学硕士项目有以下:
亚利桑那大学 (Arizona University, The Department of Communication)
肯塔基大学 (University of Kentucky, College of Communication and Information )
阿拉巴马大学 (University of Alabama, College of Communication & Information Sciences ,有五个不同的硕士项目,Comm Studies 那个貌似可以给助教全奖,其他方向好像只有一部分学生有全奖。具体情况请自己问。)
犹他大学 (University of Utah, Department of Communication)
马凯特大学 (Marquette University, Diederich College of Communication)
德州理工 (Texas Tech University, College of Media & Communication , 具体请看 M.A. Scholarship & Financial Aid Info )
麻省理工,比较媒体研究硕士项目 (MIT, Comparative Media Studies ,应该是会给全奖的 Research Assistanships , 毕竟麻省理工有钱。但是这个项目申请时只承认雅思,不认托福。(此项目已经停止)
明尼苏达大学新闻与大众传播学院 (University of Minnesota, Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communication )
佐治亚大学传播系 (University of Georgia, Department of Communication , 详情看 Assistanships 信息 。)
南佛罗里达大学 (University of South Florida, Department of Communication ,这里提到:“M.A. assistantships are offered for 2 years, or four consecutive regular semesters (Fall, Spring). " 以及 “MA graduate students on teaching assistantships receive a stipend paid over nine months. All teaching assistantships include a tuition waiver. “)
中佛罗里达大学 (University of Central Florida, Nicholson School of Communication and Media , 这个学院有四个硕士项目,其中 Commnication M.A. 的 研究生手册 提到也许会提供 Assistantships and Tuition Waivers。)
佐治亚州立大学传播系 (Georgia State University, Department of Communication , 有三个硕士项目 ,项目简介 中提到:“To be considered for a Graduate Assistantship you must submit a Graduate Assistantship Application with an updated resume. Assistantships are for full-time students and they provide a tuition waiver and stipend in exchange for work hours.”)
佐治亚大学新闻与大众传播学院,(University of Georgia, Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication , 这里 (Q. 15) 说到:“We offer a limited number of assistantships to admitted MA students from a College-funded money pool”。)
缅因大学 (University of Maine, Department of Communication & Journalism ,学院亲口说 : [w]e fund approximately 90% of our Masters students with a combination of teaching and research assistantships.)
华盛顿州立大学 (Washington State University, Murrow College of Communication)
宾州州立 (Pennsylvania State University, Department of Communication Arts & Sciences , 这里 说到:“The Department offers funding to every graduate student that we admit to the program, and have deliberately chosen as a department not to admit students whom we cannot fully fund.”)
康涅狄格大学 (University of Connecticut, Department of Communication , 这里 说到,“Teaching and research assistantships are available to qualified M.A. and Ph.D. students”,但是要求托福口语必须到 27 分 ,貌似没有回旋余地)
俄亥俄州立大学(The Ohio State Univeristy, School of Communication , 说到: The School of Communication offers full funding to every student we admit to our M.A. and Ph.D. programs in the form of either a Graduate Associateship or Graduate Fellowship)
普渡大学 (Purdue, Brian Lamb School of Communication,但这个项目要求托福口语必须上 27,没商量)
鲍林格林州立大学 (Bowling Green State University, School of Media and Communication 提到 “There are graduate assistantships (GA) available to MA students in the School of Media & Communication.”)
阿拉斯加大学 (University of Alaska Fairbanks, Department of Communication and Journalism , 这里 说可以给硕士生助教全奖)
北达科他州州立大学 (North Dakota State University, Department of Communication ,会给硕士生提供助教全奖 )
新墨西哥大学 (University of New Mexico, Department of Communication & Journalism ) (在硕士项目简介 中提到:“We have several teaching assistantships for M.A. students, which include a stipend, a tuition waiver, and health insurance.”)
北卡州立大学 (North Carolina State University, Department of Communication , 有一个 Master of Science in Communication 的项目,根据这里 的说法,一部分被录取的学生会给助教全奖。)
休斯顿大学 (University of Houston, Jack J. Valenti School of Communication ,Do you offer assistanships 提到 “We do offer graduate assisantships (GA), which involve either teaching or research. There are a limited number of these, so please send in a letter of interest and a CV (to dreyes20@central.uh.edu) by February 1 for consideration.”)
我不是十分确定的项目 #
以下是一些可能会给全奖,但是我不是 100% 确定的项目,请自行确认:
印第安纳大学(Indiana University, The Media School )
雪城大学 (Syracuse University, Newhouse School of Public Communications , media studies 硕士项目 有关funding 的介绍 中提到也许会有 instructional associateships 和 research assistanships。)
夏威夷大学马诺阿分校 (University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Communications ,课程设置 还不错)
路易斯安那州立大学 (Louisiana State University, Department of Communication Studies , 根据他们的研究生手册 ,貌似应该会给硕士生助教全奖。)
田纳西大学 (University of Tennessee, College of Communication and Information , MS in Communication & Information )
美国肯特州立大学 (Kent State University, College of Communication & Information , 详情参阅助教全奖信息页 )
特拉华大学 (University of Delaware, Department of Communication , 硕士学生有助教全奖资助 )
美国大学 (American University, School of Communication ,看简介,有可能有全奖)
圣地亚哥州立大学 (Sen Diego State University, School of Communication ) (这个学校虽然看起来不起眼,但我觉得真的还不错。只提供了硕士学位。学院提到了 The Graduate Teaching Associate 项目 ,貌似可以提供全奖。)
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 (University of Wisconsin Madison, School of Journalism and Mass Communication )。我看学院官网上有 Research MA Students ,应该是给奖的。
威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校 (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Communication )
南伊利诺伊大学 (Southern Illinois University, Department of Communication Studies , 请参阅 MA Handbook )
孟菲斯大学 (University of Memphis, Department of Communication )
堪萨斯大学 (University of Kansas, Department of Communication Studies )
克莱姆森大学 (Clemson University, Department of Communication)
韦恩州立大学 (Wayne State University, Department of Communication ,Funding 信息 )
加州大学戴维斯分校 (UC Davis, Department of Communication)
俄克拉何马大学新闻与大众传播学院 (University of Oklahoma, Gaylord College of Journalism & Mass Communication (依照这里 ,M.A. of Journalism and Mass Communication 也许会给助教全奖)
俄克拉何马大学传播学院 (University of Oklahoma, Department of Communication , 依照这里 , 应该会给硕士生助教全奖)
德州奥斯汀大学 (UT Austin, Moody College of Communication 下的四个部门:Adversiting, Journalism, Communication Studies, RTF)
俄亥俄大学 (Ohio University, Scripps College of Communication)
马里兰大学 (The University of Maryland, Department of Communication)
亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University, The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication)
爱荷华大学 (The University of Iowa, Communication Studies)
待查 #
- Montana
- Idaho
- Nevada
- Wyoming
- South Dakota
- Arkansas
- Rhode Island
- New Hampshire
- Vermont
最后一次修改于 2025-03-16