PhD & Research #
My summary of Philip Guo’s advice for early-stage PhD students
The PhD Grind by Philip Guo, my summary in Chinese
Graduate Students: You are more than your Ph.D. by Wedemeyer-Strombel, K . (2020), my takeaway
A graduate school survival guide: “So long, and thanks for the Ph.D!” , by Azuma, R.T. (1997), my summary
10 Tips for Research and a PhD by Sebastian Ruder, my summary
Chapers 2 & 3 (PP. 9-59) of A guide to academia: getting into and surviving grad school, postdocs, and a research job, by Chakrabarty, P. (2012), my summary
Principles of Effective Research by Michale Nielsen, my summary
How to write a great research paper by Simon Peyton-Jones, my summary
Write the Paper First by Jason Eisner (2010), my summary
How to Be a Successful PhD Student by Mark Dredze and Hanna M. Wallach (2012), my summary
A thesis proposal is a contract by Matt Might, my summary
3 qualities of successful Ph.D. students: Perseverance, tenacity and cogency by Matt Might, my summary
Syllabus for Eric’s PhD students by Eric Gilbert, my summary
A mid-timer’s thoughts on publishing academic papers by Phillip Guo, my summary
Philip’s notes on the tenure-track assistant professor job search by Phillip Guo, my summary
What I would’ve wanted to know as a first-year assistant professor by Phillip Guo, my summary
Shitty first drafts by Lamott, A. (1994), my summary
Hutchinson, S. (2010). Surviving the Review Process [Editor’s Corner] . IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 17(4), 101-104., my summary
My summary of Professor Suman Banerjee’s advice for new CS graduate students
Done is better than perfect: overcoming PhD perfectionism by Ivancevic, A. (2018), my summary
Modest Advice by Stearns, S. my summary
Cirik, V. (2019). PhD 101 , my summary
Taylor, L. (2018). Twenty things I wish I’d known when I started my PhD , my summary
Casey Flesler (2019). Advice for New PhD Students: Your Research Career is a Long Game , my summary
Li, F-F. (2009). De-Mystifying Good Research and Good Papers , my summary
A Letter to Research Students by Duane A. Bailey, my summary
Carsey, T. (2020). Tom’s Comments: Advice about Graduate School, Finding a Job, Reaching Tenure in Political Science and other Social Sciences, and All of the Steps in Between , my summary
PhD survival guide: Some brief advice for PhD students , by Almeida‐Souza, L., & Baets, J. (2012), my summary
How to Pick a Graduate Advisor by Barres, B. (2013), my summary in Chinese
A field guid to grad school by Jessica McCrory Calarco, my summary in Chinese
Life #
How to Get Lucky: The Secrets to Creating Your Own Good Fortune , my summary
How to Kick Your Bad Habits (And Why That’s More Important Than You Think , my summary
Why Being Less Busy is the Key to Getting More Done , my summary
The Secret to Being a Productive Human: Take More Breaks (and Naps!) , my summary
My Early Career Crisis (2014 - 2015) by Yihui Xie, my summary
Jobs #
- Academic job search advice by Matt Might, my summary
Last modified on 2022-01-31