Notes taken on Professor Xiaopeng Li
’s class of CIV ENGR 679 Connected and Automated Transport, 2023Spring
level 1: driver assistance. Only one assistance technology, mainly longitudinal. That is say, the car can control the gas pedal and the break pedal.
level 2: partial automation. Both longitudinal and lateral. That is to say, the car can control its steering wheel as well.
level 3: conditional automation. doing the same thing as level 2 but a little bit more reliable. A convention is that at level 3, it’s okay to take your hands off (but you cannot sleep!)
level 4: you can fall asleep here. It’s under some conditions, for example, only on freeways
level 5: Under all conditions, the car can operate itself.
ODD: operational design domain
#self-drivingLast modified on 2023-03-02