Cutoff Values for Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Hongtao Hao / 2022-07-14

Below are some of my notes on the key cutoff values for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). They are based on this PDF by Professor Lesa Hoffman .

  • Smaller chi square, and larger $p$-value are better (we don’t want the p-value to be smaller than .05)

  • SRMR (smaller is better; <.08 -> good fit)

  • RMSEA, smaller is better. <.05 or <.06 -> good; .05~.08 -> acceptable; .08~.10 -> mediocre; >.10 -> unacceptable

  • CFI (Comparative Fit Index): bigger is better. >.90 -> acceptable; >.95 good

  • TLI (Tucker-Lewis Index): bigger is better, >.95 -> good


Last modified on 2022-07-14