Time Management

Hongtao Hao / 2021-05-18

In YY’s Writing Group of 2021-05-17, we talked about time management. Here are some points mentioned in the group:

Block of time #

To push through hard problems, it’s necessary to reserve a big chunk of time. YY recommends using a calendar (any decent calendar is Okay) to reserve “meetings with yourself”. These meetings should be blocks of time and are supposed to be regular. For example, you reserve 9-11 am every day.

Every time people ask you to do something together during these “meetings with yourself”, you can say no.

Prioritization #

Know what’s the most important thing to do. Get them done one by one.

Exercise. Keep healthy. #

Do exercise regularly. Keep fit. You won’t get anything done unless you are healthy and happy.

Single-tasking #

Focus on one thing at a time.

Track your time #

Professor YY recommends Toggl . When you track your time, you can compile weekly/monthly/seasonal/yearly reviews so that you know whether you are spending too much or too little time on something.

Books #

Professor YY recommends Get Things Done by David Allen.

Last modified on 2021-10-05