Changing Folder/File Name #
If you are too lazy to change the folder or file name manually, you can do that in Terminal. What you need to do is first to go to a the direction the folder/file is located in. For example, if you are changing the name of a folder on your Desktop, then you need to cd Destkop
first. Then:
mv oldfoldername newfoldername
The same is for when you are changing a file’s name.
Opening A New Termainl Windown #
Simpply press command+N
Opening A File #
open Path/to/file/file.docx
If you want to open the file with a specific application:
open Path/to/file/file.docx -a TextEdit
If the application to open the file with has more than two words:
open Path/to/file/file.docx -a "Sublime Text"
Checking Which Directory You Are Currently In #
Last modified on 2021-10-05