Me in Seven Miles, CA in 2023 Summer (Credit goes to Zhan)

Me in Seven Miles, CA in 2023 Summer (Credit goes to Zhan)

I graduated with a Master’s degree in Media Arts and Sciences from the Media School of Indiana University in 2020, advised by Dr. Nicole Martins . From August 2020 to August 2021, I volunteered as a research assistant for YY . I earned my first Master’s degree in Journalism from Renmin University of China, Beijing. I am now a third-year PhD student in Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Curriculum Vitae

这是郝鸿涛的个人主页。2016 年从河北师范大学英语翻译专业毕业后,我到中国人民大学读硕士(国际新闻班),随后在美国印第安纳大学媒体学院读第二个硕士 ,于 2020 年 5 月毕业。毕业后的一年帮安用烈老师 做了一些杂活 。目前在威斯康星计算机学院读博。最骄傲的一件事是在 2015 年第一届"外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛中获奖 。最难忘的一次经历是 2017 年参加瑞士圣加仑论坛 。自律、喜静、极简。

我写过一些关于留学申请的帖子 ,也许能帮到你。

Site last updated on 2024-04-19